I have just returned from a most wonderful inspiring German Colloquium in a beautifully restored medieval castle in the woods near Frankfurt. German home educators face so much real opposition in the form of fines, state blocks on their homes and the threat of their children being taken into care that I am humbled by their bravery. I am not sure I could have stuck out HE facing the terrors that they do. Inspite of this HE is growing in Germany, although actually numbers in Germany are decreasing, to some extent, as families flee. Apart from this there were academic talks from European wide researchers from Norway, Germany, UK and Canada, workshops on various topics and philosophical talks and dicsussions throughout the weekend, most with simulataneous translations! An added bonus to the event was the presence of Melissa Busekros who had 'escaped' from her foster family at night 2 days before and made a jouney of some distance by hitching back to her family. She is in a insecure legal position and she spoke a little bit about her 'difficult situation'. This was the second conference in what now seems to be established as an annual European wide event. Next year it will be in the Netherlands.
Leslie Barson, London
Samstag, 5. Mai 2007
Freitag, 4. Mai 2007
Well back in Norway my conclusion is that the colloquium 27. - 29. of April was a success and I enjoyed to participate. It was an inspiration! I have already written a reportage from the colloquium to the Norwegian home education & free school magazine: SAX.
Coming from outside I observed much fighting spirit in German home educators and my impression is that a "break through" in German HE can not be far away!
One new information from Home Education in Norway: From the ongoing research project "Parents view of school" a questionnaire is sent to a representative sample of Norwegian parents with children in school. One question here is: "Would you like to home educate your child for a period?" Three options for answer: no, in doubt or yes. 10% said yes!! That is quit many I think! The motives for yes was to get more time with their child! This result will now be the base for a reportage about home education in Norway's biggest newspaper VG.
There will also be a 40 minutes radio documentary about Home Education in the Norwegian BBC (NRK2) at 10.03 on Saturday morning.
Keep on with the good work!
Prof. Christian Beck, Oslo
Coming from outside I observed much fighting spirit in German home educators and my impression is that a "break through" in German HE can not be far away!
One new information from Home Education in Norway: From the ongoing research project "Parents view of school" a questionnaire is sent to a representative sample of Norwegian parents with children in school. One question here is: "Would you like to home educate your child for a period?" Three options for answer: no, in doubt or yes. 10% said yes!! That is quit many I think! The motives for yes was to get more time with their child! This result will now be the base for a reportage about home education in Norway's biggest newspaper VG.
There will also be a 40 minutes radio documentary about Home Education in the Norwegian BBC (NRK2) at 10.03 on Saturday morning.
Keep on with the good work!
Prof. Christian Beck, Oslo
Donnerstag, 3. Mai 2007
Es war begeisternd, auf dieser internationalen Tagung gewesen zu sein. Der selbstverständliche Umgang der Gäste aus aller Herren Länder mit dem Thema Schulfreie Bildung war ermutigend dafür, dass der deutsche Sonderweg des Schulzwangs bald wegfällt und dass private Bildungskonzepte auch hierzulande endlich als Bereicherung angesehen werden können, von dem viele Kinder, Familien und die ganze Gesellschaft profitieren können.
Jan Edel, Lüdenscheid
Jan Edel, Lüdenscheid
Mittwoch, 2. Mai 2007
Die Veranstaltung war ein Eye-Opener: in Deutschland herrscht Volksverdummung durch Vereinheitlichung und Anpassungsdruck auf zu vielen Ebenen.
Wenn unsere Politiker baldmöglichst Dinge regeln würden, die sinnvoll sind, andere wiederum deregulieren würden, die, so unflexibel und einengend, Freiheit und Menschenwürde deutlich einschränken, wäre Deutschland wieder lebenswerter. Die Frage bleibt offen, warum Gesetze z.B. bei Handytarifen nicht verbraucherfreundliche Rahmenbedingungen schaffen, die Vereinfachung und damit Markübersicht ermöglichen - statt dass Schulgesetze unsere Kinder und uns durch das derzeit existierende, überkommene Schulsystem krampfhaft und auf primitive Art zu egalisieren versuchen.
Hoffnung für den "Homo sapiens" gab es an diesem Wochenende zu Bildungsfreiheit auf Burg Rothenfels: so viele Inputs, Menschen, Facetten, Ideen, Gedanken, Buntheit und Fülle!
Volker Alipaß, Lüdenscheid
Wenn unsere Politiker baldmöglichst Dinge regeln würden, die sinnvoll sind, andere wiederum deregulieren würden, die, so unflexibel und einengend, Freiheit und Menschenwürde deutlich einschränken, wäre Deutschland wieder lebenswerter. Die Frage bleibt offen, warum Gesetze z.B. bei Handytarifen nicht verbraucherfreundliche Rahmenbedingungen schaffen, die Vereinfachung und damit Markübersicht ermöglichen - statt dass Schulgesetze unsere Kinder und uns durch das derzeit existierende, überkommene Schulsystem krampfhaft und auf primitive Art zu egalisieren versuchen.
Hoffnung für den "Homo sapiens" gab es an diesem Wochenende zu Bildungsfreiheit auf Burg Rothenfels: so viele Inputs, Menschen, Facetten, Ideen, Gedanken, Buntheit und Fülle!
Volker Alipaß, Lüdenscheid
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